Refinance Fees

What are Refinance Fees?

Refinance fees are one-time charges imposed by real estate syndicators, like Fish Capital Investments, when we refinance a property. Refinancing is the process of obtaining a new loan to pay off an existing mortgage, often with the aim of securing more favorable terms such as a lower interest rate or longer repayment period. 

These fees can vary in structure and amount, and they are intended to compensate the syndicator for the time, effort, and administrative expenses incurred during the refinancing process. While they incur an additional operating cost to the investment, the benefits of the refinance usually outweigh the short-term expense.

Why Do We Charge Refinance Fees?

The refinance process is arduous. It requires considerable effort on our part to find the best financing terms and collating the necessary paperwork to secure a loan. With each refinance, our team completes an extensive due diligence process on top of preparing financial statements, coordinating with lenders, and managing legal documentation.

How Much are Refinance Fees? 

The percentage charged by sponsors varied by deal, however, Fish Capital Investment charges between 0.5-1.5%. Typically smaller deals will be charged at a higher percentage, while bigger deals are charged at a lower percentage. 

Benefits of Refinancing

While refinance fees may affect immediate returns, they usually lead to long-term benefits for investors. By refinancing, we secure more favorable loan terms, such as lower interest rates or longer repayment periods, which can improve the property’s cash flow and increase overall returns over time. Furthermore, if the asset’s value has appreciated, refinancing gives us an opportunity to withdraw some of all our investors initial capital investment, which greatly increases their cash-on-cash returns going forward. These long-term benefits can outweigh the temporary reduction in immediate returns

Refinance fees are a common cost of real estate syndication and serve to cover administrative costs and compensate general partners for their work to complete a property refinance. While these fees can temporarily reduce immediate returns, they can also lead to long-term benefits, namely increased overall returns. As with any investment, it is important for investors to carefully consider the terms and potential impacts of refinance fees before participating in a real estate syndication.